What is Diminished Value?Diminished Value is the loss of value a wrecked and repaired vehicle has suffered due to now having a significant damage history. Your car now has a damage history and may be branded for life with a negative Carfax® Report. Auto Dealers will now pay you less for your vehicle as it will be harder for them to sell. When compared to another car with no accident history, a normal buyer will pay less for a vehicle with a prior accident history.
DVAA is a Diminished Value Auto Appraisal firm that specializes in Diminished Value Claims throughout the nation. Each Diminished Value Appraisal report is prepared by an Oregon State Certified & Licensed Auto Appraiser.
Why Choose Us?
✅ Licensed Auto Appraiser #V34-075.
✅ We only work for Consumers.
✅ Each Appraisal is Prepared by a Licensed Oregon Auto Appraiser.
✅ We specialize in Late Model Diminished Value Claims. (not classic cars)
✅ USPAP Compliant Appraisals.
✅ Immediate Appraisals within 48 Hours*.
✅ Fully Detailed Instructions
✅ Expert Negotiation Assistance
✅ Includes 2 demand letters.
✅ No Risk, 100% Money Back Guarantee*
✅ We’re Local at: 8885 SW Canyon Rd. Portland, Oregon across from Lexus of Portland.
Start Your Free Estimate Now.
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There is a difference you should consider when hiring an auto appraisal firm. Most online appraisal firms spend tens of thousands of dollars each month for radio advertising and online ads to sell as many appraisals as possible. It’s a numbers game to them, they sell hundreds of generic appraisals per month, basically throwing spaghetti against the wall, hoping it will stick.
DVAA is changing the diminished value claim process. We put quality first.
One Licensed Auto Appraiser does it all. From producing the Diminished Value Appraisal to Testifying in court if necessary. You no longer have just a generic piece of paper stating your diminished value, but a unique appraisal that was prepared from start to finish by one appraiser.
- The same Appraiser will write a unique narrative regarding your vehicle and provide you with a signed appraisal.
- We do not have vested interest in any other automotive activities such as Auto sales, Auto Body Repair, Auto Parts Sales, Etc. Using an appraisal company who has vested interest in another automotive business, could put your entire case at risk due to conflict of interest.
- We never accept tips, bonuses, etc.
- We follow U.S.P.A.P. STANDARDS. We identify the commonly appropriate market your vehicle would be sold in by the owner. We use actual sold vehicles as comparables, instead of “for sale” vehicles that may have their prices reduced by thousands during the time the insurance company is investigating your claim.
- Proven Process. We’ve developed a proven process to reduce the chance you will have to go to arbitration or court. By producing unique, credible appraisals that use math to substantiate our opinion we’ve been able to increase the chance that the insurance company will settle quickly and for a larger percentage of the claim than ever before.
- The Appraiser appraising your vehicle will have at least 20 Years of experience in Automotive Sales and Valuations.
- Your Appraiser will have at least 15 years experience in automotive marketing directly from vehicle manufactures, including Volkswagen, Honda, Kia, Toyota, Volvo, Ford, Chevrolet, Chrysler, and many more.
- We use professional, paid automotive products and auction information to produce your appraisal. Not FREE sites.
Diminished Value is the immediate loss of value a vehicle suffers due to a car accident. The loss of value remains even if the car, truck or motorcycle is fully repaired. It retains the loss due to the stigmas associated with the accident. Diminished Value can have varying degrees. A car with light cosmetic damage will not reflect the same loss of value as a vehicle with structural damage or frame damage. In all states except Michigan, such as Oregon and Washington you may file for diminished value if someone else is at fault. This would be considered a third party claim, where someone else has accepted liability for the accident. If the at fault party is uninsured or there is a hit and run claim, You may claim Diminished Value under your own policy in Oregon and Washington if you have uninsured property damage insurance and the driver of your vehicle was not at fault. 3rd party Diminished Value is claimable in 49 states with the only exception nationwide, being Michigan. We help Diminished Value claimants nationwide. Whether you’re filing diminished value in Seattle Washington, or have a Loss of Value claim for your pickup in Portland, Oregon, we can help you recover more of what you’re owed with a solid diminished value report. We have clients from all over the country who have taken advantage of our reports and recovered their diminution of value quickly and easily. At this time, due to demand, we are only accepting appraisal assignments in Oregon and Washington.
Here’s what our clients are saying about us:
✓ “I sent copy of you incredible report and they came back with $10,000. No battle at all against your documentation.” L Rivara – Austin Texas.
✓ “I sent off your report and had a 5 minute phone call with the adjuster and settled my diminished value claim for $5,000.00” – K Kreiling – Seattle Washington.
✓ “We just settled at $4,600. With no attorney and just your report. Thanks so much for all your help I’ll definitely use your services in the future.” Tammy B. Portland, Oregon.
Our Report Includes: USPAP Compliant Appraisal – (Best for quicker settlements and larger awards) Includes:
- USPAP Compliant Appraisal
- Market Comparables.
- Audit of Final Bill.
- Damage History Check.
- List of Major Factors Impacting the Vehicle, causing the loss of value.
- Reference of Hidden or Damage that may not have been found.
- Reference of Compromised Structural Integrity. (noting known stresses such as Low Cycle Fatigue and Crack Closure.)
- Signed By an Oregon State Certified Auto Appraiser.
- All Supporting Documents
- 2 Sample Demand Letters
- Instructions including conversation samples. Negotiation tips.
- Ongoing Phone Support.(if you need us, just pick up the phone.)
- 100% Money Back Guarantee.
- Call or fill out a request on your right for a free estimate

Diminished Value Appraisal

Full Instructions

Review of your Estimate of Record

Real Market Comparables

Not just an Appraisal